The ReWeee Project aims to prevent the creation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). In order to achieve this objective, two WEEE sorting centers (SCs) will operate for the first time in Greece, in the wider region of Attika and Central Macedonia correspondingly. The core activity of those centers is the collection, the storage and the sorting of WEEE depending on their condition and then their preparation for reuse or treatment.
Public awareness is essential for the success of ReWeee. This Project includes a major action which is the development of a web platform for donating and exchanging EEE. That platform will be used by households, companies and public services. Events will also be held promoting the repair of EEE. During the events appliances that can be fixed will be repaired on the spot, giving their owners the opportunity to learn simple repair techniques they can use themselves to fix similar problems in the future.
At the same time, a Consultation Forum will be developed to look into, analyze and promote in the Project’s social media topics related to the prevention of creation, preparation for reuse and monitoring of WEEE. In the Forum will participate WEEE- related organizations, agencies and stakeholders in Greece.
Implementation Period: January 2016 – August 2020
Coordinating Beneficiary: Appliances Recycling SA
Associated Beneficiaries: Hellenic Recycling Agency, Ecological Recycling Society, Green Fund, RREUSE and Harokopio University of Athens
The “ReWeee” project (LIFE14 ENV/GR/000858) is 60% co-funded by the EU LIFE Programme
Total Budget: 2.161.405 €
EU contribution: 1.247.300€