Tuesday 12th of November 2019
Ceremony Hall – Harokopio University, Kallithea
Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο, Καλλιθέα
In the context of this event, the current results raised by the operation of the first 2 WEEE Sorting Centers (SCs) of Greece, located in the Region of Attica and Central Macedonia respectively, will be discussed. Moreover, the Re(W)eee platform for exchange and donation of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) discussion will be presented.
The event is co-organised with the Eco-Paratiritirio conference for “The Present and the Future of Recycling in Greece”, organized for the celebration of the 30 years of Ecological Recycling Society operation.
The agenda is available here
Register for the event here.
(The event will be held in Greek)